A negative attitude at work: grounds for termination?

Can an employee’s poor attitude and communication style be a reason to terminate their employment? A court in the Netherlands has ruled it can. Culpable behaviour by employees is clear if there is evidence of theft, fraud or (sexual) harassment, for example. Professional underperformance also constitutes grounds for dismissal if there is sufficient documentation. But what if the employee substantively performs well, but his or…

Is a ‘neutral’ workplace dress code discriminatory?

The European Court of Justice has ruled that a neutral dress code in the workplace that prevents employees from wearing religious clothing or symbols such as headscarves may not be direct or indirect discrimination on the ground of religion or belief if the employer fulfils a set of conditions. On 13 October, the European Court of Justice ruled, in line with its previous case law,…

World Mental Health Day: what’s changing in the workplace

The World Health Organization has designated 10 September as ‘World Mental Health Day’. Work can be vital for our mental wellbeing, giving purpose and financial stability, but there is also a growing awareness of the dangers of anxiety, depression and burnout in the workplace. How are Mexico and other countries tackling the issue? Fifteen million Mexicans live with employment-related stress, which accounts for three in…

Sonntagsarbeit als Mittel der Restrukturierung – gesetzliche Spielräume nutzen

Wollen Unternehmen ihre Profitabilität wiederherstellen oder absichern, wird häufig eine Vielzahl von Maßnahmen geprüft. Nur selten fällt der Blick auf eine Einführung oder Ausweitung von Sonntagsarbeit. Dabei lassen die rechtlichen Vorgaben Spielräume zu. Das Marktumfeld für Wirtschaftsunternehmen in Deutschland ist aktuell in vielen Branchen schwierig. Inflation, Energiekrise, Störungen der Lieferkette und vieles mehr beeinträchtigen die Profitabilität und veranlassen viele Unternehmen, Maßnahmen zur Absicherung oder Wiederherstellung…

Kein Arbeitsverhältnis zum Entleiher trotz illegaler grenzüberschreitender Arbeitnehmerüberlassung

Werden Arbeitnehmer aus dem EU-Ausland nach Deutschland überlassen, ist hierfür eine deutsche Arbeitnehmerüberlassungserlaubnis erforderlich. Andernfalls ist die Arbeitnehmerüberlassung illegal. Dies bedeutet aber nicht zwingend, dass ein Arbeitsverhältnis zwischen dem illegal überlassenen Leiharbeitnehmer und dem deutschen Entleiher als zustande gekommen gilt. Dies hat das Bundesarbeitsgericht jüngst in einem sehr praxisrelevanten Urteil entschieden (BAG vom 26.4.2022, 9 AZR 228/21).   Überlässt ein Vertragsarbeitgeber (der sog. Verleiher) einen Arbeitnehmer…

What’s new in the gig economy? A global round-up

The dramatic expansion of the gig economy, turbo-charged during the pandemic, continues across the world. However there is still no global consensus on the status of digital platform workers and how they should be treated. The deadline for EU member states to implement the EU Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive fell on August 2022. The Directive includes various provisions, including a right to request…

Hybrid, remote and flexible working: what’s new?

The fundamental shift in working patterns and preferences created by COVID-19 has led to law and policy changes across the world. Across the world, the closure of offices during the pandemic accelerated the expansion and popularity of remote working, making this arrangement an overnight reality for millions. As it becomes clear that working patterns and preferences have changed for good, many jurisdictions have or are…

Skills gap: a big obstacle for young people entering the labour market

A persistent high youth unemployment rate around the world is threatening economic growth and putting at risk the well-being of young people aged 15 – 24. The global youth unemployment rate is expected to reach 14.4% in 2023, around 3.4 times the rate for older adults. Amongst the factors triggering youth unemployment, the skills mismatch is a crucial element. We believe it is in the…

Employers ‘of record’ – Are they allowed? What are the risks?

If you need to employ someone in a country in which your business has no base, there could be all sorts of legal and administrative complications. For example, tax and social security issues for the employee and a risk that your business will be considered tax resident in the new country – exposing you to an obligation to pay corporation tax. To circumvent these risks,…

Frontier workers and telework in the EU: new challenges ahead

How does telework affect what employers in the EU need to take into account when they employ frontier workers?  The COVID-19 crisis provided the world of work with a lot of new challenges. As the post-COVID era is hopefully near, employers will need to anticipate new challenges ahead. One challenge that employers will probably be confronted with is the impact of more telework on the…