Italy, France, Germany, Sweden and USA: Dress code and appearance policies

Personal dress and appearance is a common way individuals express their personality, including their political and religious views. Unfortunately, the personal choices individuals make in attire, hairstyle and other personal appearance factors may collide with workplace rules, creating conflicts. Federal U.S. law does not directly regulate employer dress codes or appearance policies. However, it does prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on a number…

The right to be forgotten - ECJ ruling on Italian data protection case

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently ruled on an Italian case in which the director of a company, a Mr Manni, had brought an action against the Lecce Chamber of Commerce. He had built a tourist complex in Italy, but argued that the properties had failed to sell because it was apparent from the companies register that he had been involved in a company…

Italian employment law considerations during EURO 2016

„Italians lose football matches as if they were wars and lose wars as if they were football matches.“ With this sentence, Winston Churchill summarised the intense emotion felt by Italians for football: like it or not, there are very few countries in which football takes on such a historic and passionate significance as in Italy. So, given this relationship between Italians and football, it is…

Indemnity obligation vis-à-vis self-employed commercial agents

Another important judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, issued on 3rd December 2015 (Quenon, case no. C-338/14), provided some clarification on the interpretation of European Directive no. 653/86 on agency law, which brought about the full amendment of Article 1751 of the Italian Civil Code. The judgment deals with the part of the law (4th paragraph) which provides that – in…